Linggo, Marso 4, 2012

Quest for Self-Definition

Here are the photos that I promised. These were the students I was talking about on my last blog post:)

Here are Bibbo, Carter, Jasser (all Grade 1 students)
and their Adviser, Teacher Reyn

Here's a photo of me with Bibbo and Carter :)

       Okay, so now let me go on with my next blog post. Upon reading and learning more about Existentialism, I realized a lot of things and more thoughts came into my mind. These lines struck me most: "Man alone is responsible for his self-definition." and "Man's quest for self-definition is through CHOICE."

       While we were having our discussion on Existentialism in class, I was already thinking as to how I would write this blog post. One of the realizations that I had in trying to answer my question was that, the moment I got in the Education program, I knew that it was MY CHOICE to be there. I cannot blame anyone else for that choice, for no one forced me to make it and that it was MY CHOICE ALONE. So I guess it's up to me now to make meaning out of the choice I've made: and that is to become a teacher.

         It also came to me that whatever choices we make in life, we are responsible to find meaning in them. Finding meaning in things means that we have to value the choices that we make in our lives, and I could relate that to my teaching career. Given that I have already made my choice and I'm already in the teaching profession, it is my opportunity now to make the most out of my choices. Valuing and finding meaning in teaching can only be done if I'll put effort in "self-defining" myself as a teacher. In relation to my last blog post, I thought that maybe I could start working on my "self-definition" with my students and how I relate with them. And when I mean "my students", not only those who are easy to teach and manage but also those difficult ones. Maybe in this way, I could slowly realize that I have made the right choice and find essence in what I'm doing.

           How about you? How do you think you could define your own self and find meaning and essence in your chosen profession?


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